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Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Guess What?!?

So, last night was like any Monday night.  SoCo and I were wrassling and had made a dogpile on the floor.  I decided it was high time for a game of 'Guess What'.

Me: SoCo, Guess what?!?
SoCo: I am dog, and I dunno.
Me: Seriously...guess!
SoCo: Is it that I can have a cookie?
Me: Better!
SoCo: I'm not sure what is better, but if I make one more guess can I have a cookie?
Me: Ugh - you suck at this game.
SoCo: So it's not about me having a cookie?
Me: No, It's that you're getting a brother.

SoCo: [smiling] Yay...can we both have cookies?
Me: [laughing] Yes, when he comes you can both have cookies.
SoCo: I love brothers who bring me cookies.
Me: You and me both, and me both.

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