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Sunday, April 28, 2013

Ride Like The Wind, Bullseye!

There is no denying that kids are fascinating little creatures.  And, while I love being in the thick of things with my Things; arguably my favorite moments come as a quiet bystander.  Thing 2 and Thing 3 are as thick as thieves.  I see them as Tweedle-Dee & Tweedle-Dum, Frick & Frack, Abbot & Costello...most everyone else thinks they are twins - being only 18 months apart, and the same size is very deceiving; and growing up attached at the hip with their foreheads constantly pressed together in play and plotting definitely gives that impression.  But, make no mistake these two are BFF.

Yesterday was no exception.  It was truly the first nice day of the season.  Bike riding in the driveway was on the menu for the kidlettes while I washed my beloved jeep.  They blasted up and down the pavement, splashing through puddles and making up their adventure as fast as their training wheels would turn!

Thing 2: Sissy - we slayed the dragon!  Now, onto the top of the tower where they've hidden the kidnapped doctor!
Thing 3: We can't ride our bikes any further.  Did you hear that?!?  I think they're after us!
[There is a brief moment off the bikes while they run to and fro in the front yard]
Thing 2: Quick!  Get on your rocket bike!  The good doctor will ride with me!
Thing 3: Wait!  How do you know he's a good doctor?
Thing 2: Dr. Pepper???  There's no time!  Quick, Dr. Pepper, get on!  The devil dogs are after us!  And unless that giant over there [pointing at me scrubbing away] eats one, we may not make it out alive....

At this point, I had to go inside because I could no longer contain my mirth.  My husband is finishing up washing the dishes (a stipulation of marriage, folks).  I laughingly shout to him, "Quick,   Dr. Pepper - the devil dogs are after us!"

He stops mid-scub.  He stares at me mouth agape.  "Seriously, Cath...and you say I watch too much tv.   You really have issues."

I can only shake my head and chuckle at my life.  My husband is missing the best game of pseudo-cop & robbers I've ever witnessed and he thinks I randomly stopped cleaning my jeep to come inside to shout nonsense at him!  I go back outside to see my son & daughter paused in play.  I take the moment to get them back on track, "On Dasher, On Dancer, On Prancer..."

Thing 2: OMG!  The giant has eaten Santa Claus!  We HAVE to get the good doctor outta here!
Thing 3: Dash away, dash away, dash away all!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Pat-a-cake, Pat-a-cake...Baker's Man...

I love to bake.  What I love even more is when my children take an interest and want to help.  This weekend, it was my son.  My son...who is a chocolate fiend.  We made a three chocolate, flourless torte. Here is how the baking went:

Me: Wash your hands
Thing 2: Why, Mommy?
Me: Because no one wants to eat your germs...or your dinosaurs' germs...or....

He reluctantly washes his hands.

Me: Unwrap this chocolate, please.  And then put it in this pan.  And thank you.
Thing 2: ALL this chocolate?  Can I have a bite?
Me: Yes, all the chocolate, and sure you can have a bite...if you want our dessert to taste rotten and not chocolatey. [his eyes get all huge]

He puts the square of UNSWEETENED baker's chocolate that was 1/2 way to his mouth down.  His face is just pathetic.  Needless to say, I should have let him eat a big old bite out of that square.  That would have been hilarious...

We continue on our baking way...  We add more chocolate - dark cocoa.  We mix, we melt, we stir.  We add a third chocolate: dutch cocoa.  His eyes are wide and shining with wonderment.

Thing 2: Mommy will we really be able to eat this?  I do love chocolate!
Me: Sure thing, baby...just as soon as we bake it...
Thing 2: YAY!
Me: and you eat all your dinner!
Thing 2: BOO!

Needless to say, my little man finished off all his dinner and proudly announced to his sisters with his chocolate rimmed mouth that our delicious dessert that night was his creation, and that he just knew it would be delicious b/c of all the chocolate we put in there.

Thing 2: Man!  You should have seen it all....