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Monday, October 2, 2017

Today is THE day!

"Today is the day!  It's my next chapter.  I'm ready for it.  I can do this, and I'm going to make it look good while I do it!" [this is the pep talk I give myself when I first rolled over in bed this morning]  See, I quit my job.  Long story, as I'm sure all of the ones that start out with that sentence are...but I did it.  And I'm going to take care of my children, myself and my home.  Possibly in that order.  And I've psyched myself up for today.

I hit the button on my FitBit to stop the gentle alarm that is waking me from yet another weird assed dream.  I roll over and my feet hit the floor.  As I take that first morning stretch, I hear the shower.  Great!  My oldest is already up and, wait!  That's my husband!  In the shower!  He was supposed to be gone already!


This isn't going to ruin the perfect day of domesticated bliss that I've mapped out in my noggin.  I refuse to let it.  It's a bump.  Yes, that's what it is.  This week was to be my week of transition, anyway.  Transition from my life revolving 100% around the kiddies and the hubs to shifting the focus onto myself [lookout, YMCA!  I've put classes on my calendar].  Get ready, dog...we're going for a walk!  Daily!  But first this week: putting my new home to rights as I've not done the change of season deep cleaning, taking the first steps to opening my own Etsy shop, setting up this month's budget and running those errands that I've put off and further off until I've almost forgotten what the hell I had to even accomplish.

I spent the last three-ish years working in education and out of respect for the children I worked around and a healthy dose of fear of asshat parents, I've not blogged like I used to.  So, here's notice: I'm. Back.  Buckle up; as the kids are older, the stories have gotten better [and you should read: wildly more inappropriate] and I've got nothing but time on my hands!

So, [sips coffee] watch out!  I'm caffeinated and ready to kick ass; one room and crochet stitch at a time.

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