I'd like to take this moment to discuss my FMS (Forgetful Mom's Syndrome) or the limited capability of my beloved FitBit. I mean, either way...it's the same thing. I feel like my cries have fallen on FitBit's deaf ears. Ugh.
See, I love my FitBit. And when the weather is nice, I live and die by the thing - challenging everyone I know into competition to which I'm constantly trying to win, but let's be honest, I'm efficient...and therefore might not walk as much as my husband. EXCEEEEEEEEEPT when my FMS kicks in. And here's where FitBit could be more friendly. Let me challenge ppl to the number of flights I've mastered in a day! You heard me right; I go up and down stairs more than anyone I know. Here's why:
This morning, my feet were cold. Of course I couldn't find my slippers. I came downstairs and made coffee, while pacing the house. I asked the oldest & youngest children if they'd seen them. [sigh] I went down into the basement...maybe I left them by the back door when I let the dog out. Nope. Back up I go. Creamer into the coffee, but my pigs are still frozen, sooooo - back to my quest. I go upstairs. Once I reach the summit, I look around. What in the hell did I come up here for? FMS kicked in bc my feet were buried in lush carpet at this point and slippers were the furthest thing from my mind. Back down I go, vaguely disappointed in myself for some reason.
I begin to sip coffee. Which is piping hot. And reminds me that my feet are cold...and that I need my slippers. Back up the stairs I go. I look under my bed, thinking maybe Vern has pushed them under there. Nope. Back down. Sensing a theme? It's not even 7:00 yet. Eventually, I find my slippers, flung into a remote corner of my room [which is not where I put them. Ever. But, I did run the robot vacuum yesterday so I probably just wanted them out of my way...which leads me to marvel over my FMS and my non-recollection of ever even taking them off]. Anywho...
This is how my day continues. All day. Every. Day. I go up stairs with a purpose in mind, forget what the hell I was doing [and subsequently get sucked into 17 tasks that I wasn't doing] only to go back down the stairs and back up again when I remember.
Most days, I rack up at minimum 22 flights of stairs. Minimum. 22 flights. And yet FitBit will not let me create a challenge for my friends based on this statistic...the only one I feel I could win, and satisfy my competitive streak.
Sighing, I sit down and go to finish my now luke-warm coffee. I look at my FitBit app. I was going to message the creator's something. I have no idea what though. It was feedback of some sort. [shrugs] I think to myself, "It must be that I left something upstairs again..." I set my phone down and push my mug away. I slip my feet back into my newly found slippers and go upstairs. I reach the top, only to have the dim and flickering lightbulb appear over my head: I was going to suggest they let me create a flight competition. Back down I go.