So, yeah, it's been a while...but I've been busy. See, we got a new rescue in May. It's taken some adjustment. Not because we were unsure about him; we weren't. Not because we don't love him; we do...but because of his love of walks. Walks? Sure. All dogs love walks. But not this dog. To say he loves walks is like saying I love chocolate cake...and that's just a silly understatement. Let me tell you how our mornings pan out now that we have a schedule.
My two oldest get up at 6am. I get up at 6:20, and send Sake down for them to let out. Teeth are brushed and I'm dressed and sipping my coffee by 6:30. He's back in. A kid is by the front door getting ready to head out to the bus. He begins his morning freak out.
He nudges the leash. He starts baying. He knocks a kid over while they're putting on their shoes. [mind you through all of this SoCo sits on the couch staring at him with a disgruntled look that says, "OMG...younger brothers. How annoying."] The kid tells him that she loves him but she doesn't walk him in the morning, like she tells him EVERY morning. He will not be deterred though.
He comes into the kitchen. He bays at me. I tell him to hush and that we walk at 7:20. Enter the third kid. He paws his leash and bays at her as she comes down the stairs. "Sake! 7:20!" He follows her into the kitchen, all wags and bays. We giggle.
The two oldest leave to catch their bus. He stands on the couch, looking out the front window and bays at them until they get on the bus. "Hey! Hey you guys! You forgot me! WALKING! You forgot to take me on a walk!" This continues for the next five minutes.
The youngest goes back upstairs to finish getting ready. He follows her to the stairs and bays at her until she comes back down. If at any point, I get up to put my mug in the dishwasher, feed the dogs, do the dishes, exist...he is back at my side nipping [in the most gentle playful way] at my tush. "MOMMY! WALKING!" We've learned to put our shoes on while sitting down as he will knock us over in a rush to get to his leash; all the while baying his brains out. SoCo is unimpressed.
Finally we're out the door. This dog. Loves. His. Walks. So much so, that he barely stops walking/trotting to even pee. Neighbors must think we're ridiculous, not stopping to let our dog pee; but we try! "Sake - STOP! Just pee!" Nope. Gotta keep going. GO FOR THE LOVE OF GOD GO! We trot, we sniff, we don't pay attention and fall into a storm grate. [sigh] And we never, ever stop to poop. Ever. We also have no patience to wait while SoCo stops. How dare she?!? If she stops, we bay at her until she decides to start walking again.
We get back home and he HAS to go out now, to do all the things he can't be bothered with on his walk...bay at squirrels, poop and run around. He'll come back inside where he'll sleep until someone goes near the door again and BOOM! "HEY! IS IT TIME FOR MY WALK?!?"