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Thursday, September 8, 2011

Don't Forget the Lyrics!

I married into a wonderful yet bizarre family. They have the most peculiar and sometimes lovably quiry traits…all of them. One in specific leaves me quite dumbfounded. They all love to sing…and best of all…not many love hearing their singing in return. They’re quite tone deaf, you see. But that’s not the extraordinary part. The extraordinary part is that none of them can remember lyrics. Imagine car trips, filled with a bunch of tone deaf people making up their own lyrics. It IS quite amusing.

Now, I can understand you thinking, you don’t remember the lyrics to every song; and that frankly some songs are quite tricky. This is not the case. These people don’t know lyrics to songs they profess to be their favorites, or sung by their favorite bands. They own the albums even!

A favorite past time of mine is to sit and listen to my husband’s latest rendition of any given song playing on the radio at the moment. Some times, I laugh so hard at what he’s altered the lyrics to be that I can’t even turn the radio off & correct him [usually, I try to let him know what they actually ARE saying]. Some times, after that, he will not continue singing. Instead, he’ll mouth the words…even mouthing words when the music has gone into a guitar riff.

For example: Aqualung. I’ve heard (second hand) that in my husband’s rendition, Aqualung watches little girls with battered head; instead of bad intent. I’m curious as to what a battered head is, and why poor Aqualung has one. If that is the case, should he not be in the hospital, rather than on a park bench scoping out under-aged children? I digress… In any case, you get the point and it opens up entire realms in which to make fun of these poor people.

My sister-in-law believes Wonderful Tonight to be a beautiful and touching song, which leads me to believe she has no idea what the lyrics are. Someday, I’ll break the news to her that it is about a drunk, drug addict thanking his wife for seeing him home once again. Kudos to everyone who used this as their wedding dance song! BTW: in case you did this…be thankful you didn’t choose the Police's I’ll Be Watching you. Which only eeks out Wonderful Tonight in the wedding dance moronic creep factor. But, then again, maybe you intend to stalk your new spouse. Who knows? Just remember, every breath you take…I’ll be watching you. Ewww, pervert.


  1. Ah yes - but young Mohawk boy is a grand singer and so cute when he does :) HAHAHAHAHA BJ!

  2. Hate to say it, but the bad-assed mohawk is gone. It's a summer thing. Now, he can pretend to be the lead singer of Disturbed.

  3. I knew that was the interpretation of the song. I just interpret it as drunk but not A drunk. It's all about what the song means to you. Just because I see the song differently, I still know the words... to that one.
