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Friday, May 17, 2013

Oh, That Man Of Mine!

Most recently, I posted an exchange between my husband and myself as my Facebook status.  For those of you not on good ole FB, it went like this -

Me: Want one?
The Hubs: No, I'm bloated.  I need to burp...or shit, or fart...or something.

I received various replies, ranging from laughter to dumbfounded wonder that I would post something like that about him.  This made me feel compelled to share a few things (things I think of all the time, but rarely put to voice).  So, here are my reasons for sharing that specific post (first on FB and then once more on my blog).

1. It made me laugh.  It made me laugh when he said it.  It made me laugh when I thought about it and posted it; and it's still making me laugh at this precise moment.  My husband's sense of humor is quiet and 'off', but I get it and that's all that matters.

2. Ever go out with your friends and someone says something stupid/outrageous/insane and it sort of becomes the theme for the evening?  Imagine if you would: he's my best friend, and I'd rather sit on the couch with him than do anything else, even 'go out'...and this became my theme that evening.  [think now a kid asking me to do anything...I could respond, "No, I'm bloated.  I need to burp...or shit, or fart...or something." and then just sit staring at them.  The possibilities for me to reuse this suddenly became endless.]

3.  I would have expected this response from the boy I first met on New Year's Eve 1998 [Tugger - seriously, I'm so sorry I bit you. Get over it already.]  You see,  he's exactly the same.  Nothing's changed.  Well, not nothing (he's got some chest hair now and I've bullied him into no longer tucking in his t-shirts) but you get the point.  He is who he is, and while sometimes's mostly glorious.  Dorkdom at its finest, and I adore it.

4. We've been together for fifteen years now.  And *nearly* everything about him makes me giddy.  And people wonder how we've gotten that, how we've held onto it and how it works.  It's simple.  I can be me, and he can be him and it's safe.  And we laugh.  We laugh over stupid comments about being bloated.  We laugh over spilled milk and we sure as hell will laugh about any other random thing that befalls us in this life.

5.  I shared it because I could.  See the above.  It's who I am.  I'm an ass.  I make no qualms about it.  You say something stupid and I'm probably going to tell the world you did.  Merely because I can.  And he still loves me for it (and sometimes I might even venture to say because of it).

So, as part of this backhanded homage to my bloated & gassy husband...I love you.  Even if you stink.


  1. "how can you post something like this about him?" THOSE people, obviously, don't know you nor him. ♥

  2. Just know, I'm biding my time until we're next together, so I can blog about your colossal duh moments that I hoard and hold closely to tide me over until I can next be astounded by your outbursts...

  3. You guys have a great relationship. I look forward to finding someone who gets me they way you two get each other.

  4. Awww, Thanks. The actual key is not finding someone who just gets you... Those are typically easy enough to come by. It's finding someone who gets you and isn't terrified by it.
