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Monday, June 24, 2013

Forget Wearing My Heart on My Sleeve, It's Been Through The Blender

We never know the love of a parent till we become parents ourselves.
~Henry Ward Beecher

No one can ever truly prepare you to become a parent.  Sure, you can take classes and read books and gather advice and sage wisdom.  What doesn't happen through all of that is that you actually, I mean ACTUALLY realize that to be a parent is to forever have your heart walk around outside of your body. [I heard that once somewhere, and the quote by Elizabeth Stone - quite possibly - is the most honest truth I've ever heard]

It's precisely this type of love that can make grown men prone to public embraces, and for strong women to weep silently in their cars, where no one else can see.  No one can prepare you for this.  No experience can ever compare.  And no matter how much you think you're equipped, you're really not.  Not by a long shot (and even when you are a grandparent, I hear; it's not much different).

Largely, parenting is an achievement of common sense, compassion and a bit of dumb luck.  Some times, you just have to throw some shit at a wall and see what sticks.  We've all done that for ourselves.  Not knowing the answer and relying on a "We'll See" for a small human being 100% dependent on you is a totally different ball game.

When your children are happy and healthy, life cannot get any better.  And when they're hurting, upset, distraught, sick or frightened - it's unbearable.  And not just for YOUR kids!  I can't even watch Sally Struthers on TV any more without sobbing and wanting to scoop up all those babies and kiss their woes away.  I've cried for friends' children too!  For Pete's sake...I still can't watch How To Train Your Dragon without wanting to curl up and die (over both the tragedy AND the triumph in that story).

My son is hurting, and I'm going to go kiss away the pains that I can...but to the parents out there: I know you know what I am talking about.  For the parents yet to be, you may think I'm crazy, but one day - you too will understand.  And if any of you can ever figure out how to soften the blows...let me know.

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